Posts Tagged ‘Storm’

Kubrick Marvel Super Heroes Series 1 – Storm

April 21, 2010

One of the news hogging the limelight recently is with regards to the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland which resulted in large concentration of ashes and dust (volcanic cloud) being shot into the skys near Northern and Central Europe, paralysing air travel. Due to the cancellations of flights to and from Europe around the world, a large number of unfortunate passengers are left stranded in airports at the mercy of this natural disaster.

Smoke and ash from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano make their way across a field near Nupur.

It is in times like this that you marvel at the wonders of mother nature and admit that despite what humans seek to achieve, we will forever be at the mercy of nature in one way or another. It also points out the fact that humans must strive to learn to co-exist with nature instead of trying to rule over her. We should treasure our Earth’s resources and find ways to try and preserve what we have for our future generations by doing our part (i.e. recycling, cutting down on waste etc).

Ok. Enough philosophical crap from me in case some of you think I have been abducted and brainwashed by aliens to mumble something incoherent like this. This natural disaster brings to mind a Kubrick figure which I had for quite some time….

Give me rain! No. Wait! Storm! No! Sun! No! Clouds! No!
